Raechel Donahue, September Boss Jock
September 1, 2019Heart and Joan Jett, Boss Artists of the Month
September 4, 2019By popular demand, Boss Boss Radio pays tribute to one of its Brightest stars, Peter B Mister Smooth. We dug through the archives and discovered Boss 30 Countdown shows – hosted by the Smooth One – and we’re getting ready to return those shows to the air this month!
Peter recorded over 300 Boss 30 shows so there’s plenty to be heard. Preserving his legacy and a 50-year career in radio is something we don’t take lightly.
To kick things off, we replayed “The Best of The Boss 30” last Saturday. And now, the Boss 30 returns to its regular night, Wednesdays. And Peter will again countdown the biggest songs for that week in Boss Radio history.
We’re privileged to have been Peter’s radio home these past 7 years. And we’re humbled to honor his memory with the return of the Boss 30. Tune in Wednesday nights a 9 pm Pacific for the Boss 30 Countdown with Peter B, on The Boss!