We’d appreciate you telling the world about us by putting one of these great looking banners on your website, your blog or in your email. Just choose from one of the following banner ads below, copy and paste the code into your web page, html email, or email signature. That’s it! The banners are hosted on our server and may be updated from time to time. Such updates will automatically be generated in your html without you needing to do anything.

It’s just you and me kid, and you’re our marketing department! If you’d like to see what my email signature looks like (and what YOURS could look like, CLICK HERE to email me, and I’ll write back so you’ll have an example! -Brad

Thanks for being our marketing department!



Animated Signature

125 x 125 Animated email signature

Copy and paste the code below into your html. The image is hosted on our mitm server, no need to do anything else:


To insert the above image in your Outlook signature, follow these steps:

1. With the Inbox window active, click Tools on the menu bar to display the Tools Menu.
2. Click Options on the Tools menu to display the options dialog box.
3. Click the Mail Format tab to display the Mail Format sheet.
4. Click the Signatures button to display the Signatures and Stationary dialog box.
5. Click the New button to display the New Signature dialog box.
6. When Outlook displys the New Signature dialog box, type in a name for the signature, i.e. MITM.
7. Click the OK button.
8. Click in the Edit Signature area of the Signatures and Stationary dialog box and type your signature.
9. Format the text by selecting it and using the style and formatting buttons to select the options you want.
10. Click on the Instert Picture icon above the editor. Enter the web address for the banner: http://www.martiniinthemorning.com/ads/mitm-125×125.gif
11. Click insert. This may take several minutes to complete.
12. With the image still selected, click the hyperlink icon (to the right of the picture icon) and add the following URL: http://www.martiniinthemorning.com
13. Click OK to insert the hyperlink and close the dialog box.
14. Click OK to close the Signatures and Stationary dialog box.
15. Click OK in the Options dialog box to close the dialog box.

300 x 300 Large Banner

Copy and paste the code below into your html. The image is hosted on our mitm server, no need to do anything else:


300 x 250 Big Box Banner

Copy and paste the code below into your html. The image is hosted on our mitm server, no need to do anything else:


200 x 200 Box Banner

Copy and paste the code below into your html. The image is hosted on our mitm server, no need to do anything else:

468 x 60 Full Size Banner

Copy and paste the code below into your html. The image is hosted on our mitm server, no need to do anything else:

728 x 90 Animated Leaderboard Banner

Copy and paste the code below into your html. The image is hosted on our mitm server, no need to do anything else:

728 x 90 Static (non-animated) Leaderboard Banner

Copy and paste the code below into your html. The image is hosted on our mitm server, no need to do anything else: