Welcome to SightTrax

Your gateway to the premier technology In Vison Analytics in support of reading ability analysis

While most people are familiar with eye tests to determine how clearly a person sees, (vision acuity), it is only with the advent of sophisticated eye tracking technology that has revealed how important it is for a student’s eyes to work in sync to focus on each word.

Reading speed and comprehension is adversely affected if the reader’s eyes are not focusing in-sync as text is read. A slow reading speed and weak comprehension will negatively affect performance in all academic subjects. With the RightEye analytical technology and eye training programs, a student can be accurately assessed and brought up to the top of their personal vision performance.

Every SightTrax affiliated provider utilizes the FDA approved, RightEye Vision Analytics System which is the worldwide gold standard in computer generated vision analysis. The RightEye System can efficiently and accurately provide a comprehensive assessment of a patient’s current vision capabilities and identify vision weaknesses that can be corrected.

Assisted by reviewing the data generated by the RightEye System, the reading therapist can construct a vision tracking improvement program to help the student maximize their personal reading ability. By utilizing periodic reassessments during the vison training process, the therapist will chart the student’s progress.

The assessment is comprised of a having the student read short sections of text while the technology tracks exactly where each eye is focused as the text is read. A copy of the text is printed with the tracking line for each eye color coded on the text. By scoring the student’s vision accuracy against thousands of students of similar age and ability, the RightEye System objectively delivers definitive results.

Find the Nearest Provider

Click below to find the nearest SightTrax Affiliated Reading Analysis Provider. You will get the benefit of the premier vision analytics technology provided by the RightEye System to determine if your child’s vision tracking ability is holding them back and, if needed, how it can be improved. If you have questions about vision analytics, your RightEye equipped reading therapist can answer them and help assure that your child’s academic performance is not impaired by an eye tracking deficiency.